we love to support the artists who support us!

Guitarist of Body Count is wearing guitarclef at the 53rd Grammys.

Huge support from the Crazy Town singer in our signature unisex ring.

Thank you Pete, guitarist from The Adicts, rocking our adjustable leather necklace!!

She's rocking the guitarclef shirt at a press conference for her band, The Iron Maidens!

Drummer of Delta Deep is always supporting guitarclef. We see him in our necklace on stage or just hanging with friends. Thank you Forrest!

On stage Patrick Kennison and John Younger can be seen wearing our guitarclef t-shirts! Check out their new album, Good Morning Apocalypse.

Jes Fama, is the host of Almost Fama, a music and entertainment podcast, that regularly features guitarclef on her show.

Jordan, lead singer and guitarist for Darksun is always supporting guitarclef

Guitarist and founding member of Body Count always supporting!

Kyle Cunningham is the drummer for Madlife and Neon Coven and is a supporter of guitarclef. "guitarclef is such a cool logo and I love that there is something for everyone from t-shirts to earplugs... I have my pair on me all the time!"

Singer of the blues rock band Delta Deep is always seen on stage in our signature sterling silver pendant.

Paul is one of Hollywood's top photographers and he is a huge supporter and the official photographer of guitarclef.

Song writer and guitarist Damon Marks rocks out in our t-shirts and chain necklace!

Master producer of bands such as Slayer, Corrosion of Conformity and Mindwars, Bill proudly supports guitarclef!

Guitarist of Westfield Massacre not only models for us but also accessorizes in guitarclef swag.

Writer and guitarist of Jack and Seven wearing the necklace and ring!

The Traveling Guitar Foundation believes that the rebuilding and fortification of schools’ music education programs is essential to the holistic development of current and future students.

Graduate of the Musician's Institute and former guitarist of Paradise Kitty, Danielle shows off in our one time run of bathing suits.

Hannah Verbeuren has had her photos published in L.A. Weekly, Rolling Stone, Drum and more. She's also one of the photographers of guitarclef products.

Host and producer of Focus Magazine's L.A. Chef's is rocking in our ladies tank!

Rick "The Mayor" Waite, Manager of the Sam Ash Hollywood location made sure to get a black guitarclef t-shirt so it would be work appropriate.

Contributing photographer for the new guitarlef GCNZ line.